This show is now opening on Aug 14th
art is going up on the 7th.
Here's some of the work going in. I think with the drawings - I am going to also do prints - reason #1 - for economics, so more people can afford them
#2 - Because they take so much time, and since the work is about intamacy, they are fairly small... but people like big art... don't ask me why. so I hope to make some $ soon and get them printed much larger.
#3 - does anyone know what day it is? I'm so tired.
#4 - I won't freek out if someone buys the original. I have to grow up about that I know...
Anyway, here's some work.
"reflections on Death" - Pen on paper. 2009
"Mr. Crumple's Last Day". Pen on paper. 2009
"Transport of Mr. Crumple" ink on velum. 2009
"Conversations in Passing" pen on paper. 2009
Frogs in glasses
Still got the frogs in boxes
Tiny drawings of deformed babies.... still in progress... don't really know what is going on with these
also - I'm thinking of re-formating my website. it just needs to happen so I can keep it up to date.
that's the words, here are the pictures